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THE VERSATILITY OF MY PRACTICE (selection since 2016)

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#87: Hosting 80 participants at a cultural hackathon (Image © Nelly Rodriguez)

#86: Organizing a big cultural hackathon (Image © Nelly Rodriguez)

#85: Organizing Kitchen Talks and doing a quiz: who recognizes the 11 member institutions of Museumsquartier Bern? (Image © Nelly Rodriguez)

#84: Developing a tea with the charter for collaboration: each tea bag has a different phrase - just like Yogi tea (Image & graphic design © Peter Auchli)

#83: Talking about sand dunes at an event for the Friends Circle of the Swiss Alpine Museum. (Image © Raphaela Bigler)

#83: Continuing to organize weekly Stammtische: lunches by and for Museumsquartier collaborators from different institutions. (Image © Regula Berger)

#81: Hosting a community kitchen developed by Seraina Dür (Image © Florin Bertschinger)

#80: Putting up posters for our Sommerfest at Museumsquartier Bern. (Image © Peter Auchli)

#79: Tearing down fences and hedges between institutions with all collaborators (Image © Nelly Rodriguez)

#78: Giving garden shears to the museum directors to tear down the fence between their institutions. (Image © Nelly Rodriguez)

#77: Creating a charter with collaborators from different institutions.

#76: Cheering for the Museumsquartier Bern running team at the 10 Miles in Bern.

#75: Visiting the Museumsquartier Bern from the perspective of an insect – with the biologist Franziska Witschi.

#74: Being a volunteer job coach for Carlos at Powercoders.

#73: Closing off the first half year of Museumsquartier Bern with a ritual. (Image © Cornelia Aeby)

#72: Organizing a Flag Ritual every last Thursday of the month.

#71: Having the best office in the neighborhood, over the fence between the museums. (Image © Carole Frossard)

#70: Organizing a weekly Stammtisch: a lunch prepared by and for collaborators of the different institutions of Museumsquartier Bern.

#69: organizing a big summer market for Museumsquartier Bern (Image © Jacqueline Strauss)

#68: Launching an open call for garden chairs and ideas for the museum garden of Museumsquartier Bern.

#67: installing my project office for the Museumsquartier Bern over the fence between the Historical Museum and the Communication Museum


#66: facilitating an online exchange platform for Latin-American and European artist residencies


#65: pitching our prototype for the video of an online hackathon about social innovation.


#64: giving a workshop about feedback at the Alps Art Academy

Versatility #63

#63: being an outside eye

Versatility #60

#60: feed-backing the book fair (image © Jan Bolomey)

#58: Talking about cookbooks and the dramaturgy of art publications

#57: Preparing a presentation on my hotelroom door

#56: sending 150 copies of 'This Book is Yours' to our backers, funders and contributors.

Versatility #55

#55: making a video for the crowdfunding of our book

#52: running the bar after a concert.


#53: editing a book about collaboration that is 10 tables long.


#50: facilitating a co-creation session for a symposium

#49: organising a karaoke bar in the kitchen


#48: re-imagining an event to present artistic research together

#47: picking up an artist at the train station.

#46: watering the raspberry and strawberry plants in the permaculture keyhole garden.

#45: cooking Pasta a la Norma for 15 people (including 2 Italians).

#43: checking if there is a dead mouse under the fridge.


#41: co-creating a tool to re-position your (artistic) practice

#39: preparing the Christmas tree

#37: distributing flyers for an informal event.

#23: cleaning nettles we picked for the soup.


#25: planting ideas

#22: transporting stones for a permaculture garden.

#20: heating up the sauna.


#19: hacking the Actor-Network Theory to create a community garden project.

#18: reading lots of applications.

#9: hiding cables in dusty places for the sake of the audience's security.


#8: re-inventing the art institution collaboratively

Versatility #7

#7: making a radio program with a wifi made from whiskey boxes, together with artists and refugees

#5: assisting an artist to film his project outside of a refugee centre

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