New Job at Historical Museum Basel
Basel, CH
Starting a new job as Head of the new department Programme at the Historical Museum Basel. In the future all public activities will be developed from the point of view of cultural mediation. This needs a new strategy for the cultural mediation, new cultural offers, reorganization and new processes.
Opening Vereinsküche
Museumsquartier Bern, CH
Opening second season of the Vereinsküche (Associations' kitchen) at the Museumsquartier Bern, with some of the involved protagonists.
In 2022, the artist Seraina Dür launched this project with the support of the city of Bern's art in public spaces fund.
Together with five associations from Bern, Seraina looked for an answer to the question what the Museumsgarten
should look like. The answer was a covered kitchen that can be used by various visitors for free throughout the summer:
the association Mazay offers courses, coffee ceremonies and much more for and by people with refugee background, neighbours celebrate their birthdays, institutions hold meetings, pupils of the high school hang out,...
The project is a great example of participation, inclusion and diversity.
And can be booked for free.
23 - 25.5.2024
Superpowers! Cultural Hackathon
Museumsquartier Bern, CH
80 hackers with a variety of skills will come together for two days to develop prototypes for cultural formats for
cultural formats for the Museumsquartier Bern, based on the superpowers of its 11 institutions. On Saturday a public program with guided tours, workshops, a concert and a party will take place.
Announcement: I am leaving the Museumsquartier Bern
After 3 years I will leave the Museumsquartier Bern end of June 2024. As we reach the end of the pioneer phase, collaborations and common projects have been established and tested. Based on this collaborative and iterative
groundwork, the Museumsquartier Bern can now grow and enter the realization phase, and it is time for me for a new challenge.
11.2023 - 3.2024
Kitchen Talks #2
Museumsquartier Bern, CH
What is the recipe for a successful brand architecture in the Museumsquartier Bern?
The second series of KITCHEN TALKS workshops invites a interested audience to think with us about suitable
marketing strategies for the Museumsquartier Bern and discover new tools at the same time.
With Olivier Müller (Plateforme 10, Lausanne), Andreas Schnitzler (Joanneum Graz), Laura Schieferle (Kunstareal München) & Roxane Bicker (Staatliches Museum Ägyptischer Kunst, München), Demelzha Blinker (Depot Boijmans van Beuningen), Emilia van Lynden (Manifesta), Saúl Baeza (Does, Barcelona).
Expat: "Ik ben coach en cheerleader"
Faro, tijdschrift over cultureel erfgoed, BE
Faro, the magazine of the Flemish Cultural Heritage Support Centre, asked our me to talk about my work at Museumsquartier Bern for their series 'Expat'.
Stiftung Bonjour
Basel, CH
Member of the advisory board of Bonjour, a foundation that brings people and generations together and promotes togetherness through digitalization.
Vernissage ARSENIC 30
Lausanne, CH
Launch of the book ARSENIC30, to which I contributed with the text 'The underside of the iceberg: Call for a revalorisation of art practices and institutions'.
17.10 - 21.11.2022
Kitchen Talks
Museumsquartier Bern, CH
With what ingredients does the Museumsquartier Bern want to develop its own organizational structure and
For the series of six KITCHEN TALKS, Beat Hächler and I invited international professionals to talk about innovative
forms of organizational development and participatory programming.
With Paul Spies (Stadtmuseum Berlin), Eva Riccio (Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille), Nadja Perroulaz (Liip, Switzerland),
Franky Devos (VIERNULVIER, Ghent), Imme Ruarus (Waag Futurelabs, Amsterdam), Angela Janelli (Stadtlabor Frankfurt).
Museumsquartier Bern Sommerfest
Bern, CH
Our second big summer event with fairground games, a flea market and lots of food and drinks,
in collaboration with the institutions of the Museumsquartier Bern.
"Ich bin noch immer Kuratorin"
Journal B, Bern, CH
Susanne Leuenberger from Journal B spoke with me about the development of the Museumsquartier Bern,
why in the first place I gave garden shears to the directors of the museums and other institutions and how I use my experience from the arts field.
Carrière Féminine
Bern, CH
Lecture about the change process of Museumsquartier Bern for the members of Carrière Féminine.
Encuentras Nave - Field Notes
Nave, Santiago de Chile / Online
Publication about the online residency encounter between artist residencies from Latin-America and Europe,
that I hosted together with Eduardo Cassina.
Editors: Eduardo Cassina, Sally De Kunst & Maria José Cifuentes.
Von Visionen und Realitäten –
Reflexionen über die Berner Museumslandschaft
Hochschule der Künste Bern, CH
Lecture about the change process of Museumsquartier Bern the frame of the book launch of Kunstvermittlung geht a Land. Studentische Perspektiven auf die Gegenwart der Zukunft von Kunstmuseen in der Schweiz at the School of Arts Bern
Artistic board SAC-Kunstausstellung
Alpines Museum der Schweiz Bern, CH
Member of the artistic of Swiss Alpine Club SAC art exhibition.
Soroptimist Club Berne-Arcadia
Bern, CH
Lecture about the change process of Museumsquartier Bern for the members of Soroptimist-Berne-Arcadia.
Museumsquartier Bern
Bern, CH
Joanna Nowotny of 'Der Bund' spoke with me about the collaborative approach at Museumsquartier Bern.
Museumsquartier Bern Sommerfest
Bern, CH
A big summer event with fairground games, a flea market and lots of food and drinks, in collaboration with the eleven institutions of the Museumsquartier Bern.
New job at Museumsquartier Bern
Bern, CH
As from the 1st of July 2021 I will be the director of the Museumsquartier Bern, a collaboration between the Alpines
Museum, the Bernisches Historisches Museum, the Kunsthalle Bern, the Mediothek der Pädagogischen Hochschule Bern, the Museum für Kommunikation, the Naturhistorisches Museum, the Schweizer Schützenmuseum, the Yehudi Menuhin Forum, the Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek, the Stadtarchiv Bern and the Gymnasium Kirchenfeld.
23 - 25.6.2021
Dis da lavur: practices of situating in rural spaces
Somalgors 74, Tschlin, CH
Moderating a discussion about the importance of virtual communities, with Sascia Bailer, Lene Markusen, Njomza
Dragusha and Badel/Sarbach, together with Seraina Dür, in the context of the symposium Dis da lavur that deals with questions about artistic and curatorial practices in rural areas.
3 - 6.2021
Residency Encounter Latin-America - Switzerland
Nave, Santiago, CL
Developing a methodology for and facilitating a series of online exchanges between artist residencies in Latin-America
and Europe.
Initiated by Nave and in collaboration with Eduardo Cassina.
Propädeutikum Kunst und Design
Biel, CH
Developing and facilitating a workshop for the new curriculum of the art school Propädeutikum Kunst und Design.
In collaboration with Jacqueline Baum.
IPMA-D certificate
Received my IPMA-D project management certificate.
2021 (Cancelled due to Covid-19)
La Marmite
Geneva / Fribourg, CH
Accompanying an artistic 'Parcours' of La Marmite as a cultural mediator,
in collaboration with Florence Savioz and Martin Schick.
2020 (Publication date to be confirmed)
ARSENIC 1989 - 2019
Arsenic, Lausanne, CH
Contributing writer to the book about 30 years of the theatre Arsenic, with the text
The underside of the iceberg. Call for a revalorisation of art practices and institutions.
Scrum Master Professional
IUE Hochschule, Basel, CH
Received my Scrum Master Certificate.
11 - 13.12.2020
BFH, Bern, CH
Part of the team of the (reversed) challenge Cubo at the hackathon for innovation in the social sector.
More info
CAS Innovation Management
FHS, St. Gallen, CH
Received my Certificate in Advanced Studies in Innovation Management
(Innovation strategies, organizational development, agile management & communication,
knowledge management, change management, financing & controlling, sustainability & ethics,
intellectual property)
9 - 10.2020
Parlament der Dingen, Tieren, Pflanzen und Algorithmen
Seraina Dür & Jonas Gilmann
Theater Neumarkt, Zurich, CH
Outside eye
24.9 - 4.10.2020
Alps Art Academy 2020
Safiental, CH
Facilitation of the 10-day workshop Landscaping: mapping the research.
Facilitation of a seminar on feedback.
Talk Re-inventing art institutions from the inside.
Château Mercier, Sierre, CH
Consulting for the project PRADEC, a platform for discursive exchange and social cohesion.
Art Safiental 2020
Tenna, CH
Presentation of This Book is Yours with our co-publisher Vexer in the frame of the vernissage
of the biennale Art Safiental 2020.
3 - 6.2020
Hochschule der Kunste
Bern, CH
Mentoring of Fanny Delarze & Esther Tellenbach for their Master thesis in Art Education:
starting up their own agency for artistic mediation.
Book Launch This Book is Yours (Cancelled due to Covid-19)
Vexer Büro, Berlin
Book presentation of This Book is Yours with a talk with co-publisher Vera Ida Müller and editor Sally De Kunst,
and a cooking workshop with artists and visitors.
More info
School of Commons
ZHdK Zurich, CH
Peer reviewer open call.
Ciné-club Croy #12: Viandes célestes
Stamm - blueFactory, Fribourg, CH
In the frame of the book launch of This Book is Yours. Recipes for artistic collaboration, Caroline Fournier (Cinémathèque
Suisse) & Miguel Alarcón present a programme of short films around the theme of the kitchen.
More info
Volumes symposium: Publishing Archiving
Luma Westbau - Kunsthalle Zurich, CH
The Volumes symposium 2019 discusses strategies of publishing and archiving in art initiatives.
With Alois Baumberger, Bia Bittencourt, Sally De Kunst, Claudia de la Torre, Anita Di Bianco, Birgit Kempker.
Moderated by Michael Hiltbrunner and Gina De Micheli.
29.11 - 1.12.2019
Volumes Art Book Fair
Kunsthalle Zurich, CH
Presentation of This Book is Yours, with debates, workshops and cooking sessions.
St. Gallen, CH
Presentation of This Book is Yours, and panel discussion with Miriam Wanner, Stefanie Hoch & Sally De Kunst.
Moderated by Josef Felix Müller.
SA Assemblea
SA Manifattura Cagliari, IT
Panel discussion about art, science and community building with Michael Mondria (Ars Electronica Solutions) and
Sally De Kunst, moderated by Linda di Pietro.
Espace dAM
Romainmôtier, CH
Vernissage This Book is Yours in the frame of the exhibition of the drawings of Julien Babel for the publication.
4 - 6.9.2019
Manufacture Theatre School
Lausanne, CH
Jury member Out 6, festival with the graduation pieces of the master students theatre direction.
Forum Hôtel de Ville
Lausanne, CH
Vernissage This Book is Yours, organised by our publisher art&fiction
Zurich, CH
Vernissage This Book is Yours in the frame of of the project 'The gift exercise / Invitation 2.2: Zürich' by
Nina Willimann & Mayumi Arai.
Fribourg, CH
Vernissage This Book is Yours
This Book is Yours.
Recipes for artistic collaboration / Recettes pour la collaboration artistique
Sally De Kunst et. al
Lausanne: art&fiction / St.Gallen - Berlin: Vexer