TEXTS (selection)
Sally De Kunst, 'Delight in the Ride', Keynote Superpowers Cultural Hackathon, Museumsquartier Bern, 2024.
Sally De Kunst, 'Expat: Ik ben coach en cheerleader', in Faro, tijdschrift over cultureel erfgoed.
Brussel: Faro, 2023, p. 30.
Sally De Kunst, 'Le dessous de l’iceberg: Appel pour une remise en valeur des pratiques et des institutions d’art' / 'The underside of the iceberg: Call for a revalorisation of art practices and institutions', in Patrick de Rham, Olivier Kaeser (Ed.), Arsenic 30.
Lausanne: Arsenic, 2022.
Eduardo Cassina & Sally De Kunst, 'How to host hosts: a methodology', in Eduardo Cassina, Sally De Kunst, Maria José Cifuentes, (Ed.) Encuentras Nave - Cuadernillo de residencia / Residency field notes, p 18 - 21.
Santiago de Chile: Nave, 2022.
Sally De Kunst, 'Nachrichten aus der Küche. Das Museumsquartier Bern macht sich auf den Weg', in Kunsteinsicht.
Bern: Kunstmuseum Bern - Zentrum Paul Klee, 2022.
Sally De Kunst, 'Re-invent the residency', in Sally De Kunst, et. al. (Ed.), This Book is Yours. Recipes for artistic collaboration.
Lausanne: art&fiction, 2019.
Sally De Kunst, ‘You can always find me in the kitchen at parties - on hospitality, fermentation, communities of practice and disobedience as keys to re-invent the (art) institution’, in Transvaluation. Making the world matter.
Gothenburg: Chalmers, 2015.
Sally De Kunst, ‘In between meeting, digging and eating: six years of hosting the Festival Belluard Bollwerk International’, in Journal of Visual Art Practice, Vol. 13, No. 3. London: Routledge, 2014, p. 227-241.
Sally De Kunst, ‘How to perform the city’, in Sibylle Omlin (Ed.), Smoky Pokership. Perform the Exhibition Space.
Nürnberg: Verlag für moderne Kunst, 2013, p. 63-73.
Sally De Kunst & Maria Guggenbichler, ‘Dialogue with Maria’, in Substitut. A little Centre Culturel Suisse in Berlin.
Berlin: Subsitut, 2013, p. 43-49.
Sally De Kunst, ‘How to perform the city? A personal manual in 10 steps on how to organize an arts festival’, in OnCurating, Issue 15. Zurich: ZHdK, 2012, p. 35 – 41.
Sally De Kunst, ‘Locality’, in Frakcija, No. 55: Curating Performing Arts.
Zagreb: Centre for Drama Art, 2010, p. 108.
Sally De Kunst, ‘Lawrence Malstaf. Being in the Middle’, in Lawrence Malstaf. The Long Now. Gent: Galerie Fortlaan 17, 2008, p. 27-28.
Sally De Kunst, ‘Kimchi & cappucino’, in Etcetera 106.
Brussel, 2007.
(English translation)
Anne Dekerk & Sally De Kunst, ‘Landschapsschets werkplaatsen’, in Etcetera 104, Brussel, 2006.